Coping with students challenging behaviour


Four organisations- Pärnu Päikese School from Estonia, Riga Valda Avotina elementary schooldevelopment centre from Latvia, Institut pre pracovnu rehabilitaciu obcanov so zdravotnym postihnutim from Slovakia, Posebno osnovno uciliste "d-r Zlatan Sremec "-Skopje from Macedonia chose each other as partners during the seminar in Poland. All four participants from different organizations agreed on the subject and objectives of the “Coping with students challenging behavior” project. “Coping with students challenging behavior” projects main objective is to exchange good practices. Main priorities is strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions. In general, our project will provide lasting benefits to teachers and other school specialists who work with the target group of students. Our schools need to gain knowledge in this specific area. The number of students with disabilities and challenging behavior is rising. We will try to improve teaching process in our institutions.

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