Our Get involved (GIVE) project is an Erasmus KA229 programme that will take place for two years (november 2020 - october 2022), between 6 schools in France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Bulagria and Turkey.
Our pupils (12 to 18 years old) study very various subjects (general & vocational).
During two years we will work on the importance of being INVOLVED to defend different causes that matter for our students, in relation with the 17 sostainable development goals of the United Nations, especially climate action, reducing discrimination and inequality, work for peace and solidarity.
Our students will also ACT concretely to defend those principles and goals (several solidarity actions are planned all along the project).
Our project will be disseminated through the eTwinning plateform and especially Twinspace that will allow our students to communicate and act, but also through our Instagram and our Facebook page.