Our letters

  • On this page, you are going to see the letters that each team has written to politicians about their field of interest.  The deadline for this activity is 31 March 2016. 


    Dear Ken Carter

    First of all, we would like to thank you for your great effort as the new basketball coach at Richmond High school. You did a remarkable job teaching the students not only basketball skills but also real values and general respect towards others. You took in boys and turned them into men within a short period of time.

    If every school had a ‘teacher’ like you, we are sure that the graduate percentage would be much higher than it is today, because you focus on the right things, such as teaching the kids and other teachers the real concept of student athletes. A lot of teachers could learn from you because of the way you put the students’ education first. This gives the kids an opportunity to graduate high school and go to college afterwards instead of ending up doing crimes and maybe going to prison.

    The idea of the lock out we think is very interesting and inspiring, you made the students realise that if they wanted to become professional basketball players they had to make an effort to do their homework and school work. Also the contract you made with the boys definitely seemed to work despite their negativity towards it in the beginning. But because you stood up for your beliefs it worked and in the end paid off for the boys.

    We respect the way you stood up against the people who disagreed with your methods and your way of teaching the kids. You kept your approach even though you had so many people against you and walked away with dignity when you were outvoted. Not even the very big and important basketball game everybody was so upset about made you change your way. We want to applaud you for your great work and let you know that you have influenced us to see how a good teacher could be. Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Marc Peter Krogh

    Gabriel Jøhnk Mesange

    Julie Andreasen

    Kamma Theter

    Cathrine Salby &

    Yazmin Damm.



    Dear sir Donald Trump.

    We are a small group of people who doesn’t agree with the way you think immigrants should be treated, so therefore we wrote you this letter to explain our opinions, and to tell you some of the most extreme ways it could end, if you don’t change our mind.

    We don’t think that the wall you’re planning to build between US and Mexico is a bad idea, because everyone should be welcome in the states. We don’t think that we shall kick them out just because they have another skin color or speak another language. Have to respect them like we respect each other, because they are humans, just like we are.

    Instead of building a wall, you could improve the border control. We don’t think that the wall would solve anything, because people always will find a way in, if they really want to.

    We think that if they do any kinds of criminal actions, they should be send back to where they came from, but if they don’t do criminal actions, they every right to stay here, as long as they can immigrate in the states.

    Look where US is today, we are a land based on fear, and we have to do something to change that. The immigrants aren’t here to hurt us, but you can say, that they in some way are here to help us.

    If you don’t change some of your opinions about immigrants, it could end with a third world war. We know it sounds a little extreme, but try to look back. If you remember anything about what happened with Hitler, you will understand.

    If you back out of NATO and start world war tree, you will lose for sure, and there will not be anything left, because if you look at the weapons we have today, most of them is nuclear weapons, and they would destroy our world. Just sit back for a minute and think this trough, immigrants aren’t that bad, they are not here to steal our money or jobs, they are here because they want to life in our country, and because the somehow like our culture.

    We really hope that you change just some of your opinions.

    Yours sincerely Iben, Mikaela, Frederik, Pernille, Sofie and Nan



    The American dream – Sport:

    Obstacle course around the school

    In our dream society, we would like an obstacle course around our school, with like cableway and climbing wall. If we build an obstacle course, it would be use of every student, even the secondary school student.

    More sports festivals and marathons in Frederikssund

    We would like a few annual sport events arranged by the local authority. Some of them for free and some we would like to pay for if necessary.

    Free sport events are important because not everyone should have a chance to participate.

    Outdoor Activities

    Here in Frederikssund, Denmark, we need more activities to do outside. We have a small skate park next to “Frederikssund Hallen” which is this city’s biggest sports hall. But we skaters, scooters & BMX’ers sadly don’t appreciate it much. It’s a small skate park where no creativity can be used. It’s too small and has very little if any challenging things to do. We riders, as we call our self, need to have something challenging to ride to progress our passion of skating and such. Fx. Some of us are sponsored by bigger companies. Those companies give some pressure on us so we need to progress our riding all the time. But at least we got a lot of soccer fields, so some of the youth can have fun. Which is a really good thing, since allot of us would probably just hang out in the street if we did not have anything to do at all. So a small skate park and tons of soccer fields is good enough, for now.

    Activities at bus stops

    You could place some small trampolines at bus stops, so could you get warm if it is cold, and we think many would use it because is more fun than waiting at the bus.

    You can also make some hopscotch squares at the bus stops, so when you are bored, you can jump on the street.



    Dear Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

    We believe that fast food is a big problem here in Denmark because many young adults and kids live on fast food. Not only is it really bad for the physical fitness it is also really bad for the inner organs. Too much fast food in a young age can be the cause of osteoporosis, diabetes, arthralgia, hypertension and cardiovascular disease later on.

    The animals that are used for the production of fast food live under really poor conditions. Conditions that no one, not even animals, should live under. Especially the birds that are used for chicken nuggets and other chicken products, gets treated in a really bad way. There is a lot of proof of abuse against the birds that are used for the production of fast food.  

    Birds raised for McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets have been bred to grow so quickly they often become crippled under their own weight. Unable to walk without extreme pain, many die of dehydration when they can’t reach water. Others die from heart attacks, organ failure, and other problems related to rapid growth. Overcrowding in filthy factory farms also leads to severe skin and throat irritations, blindness, and deadly respiratory problems.

    That is why we think we should introduce some rules about the production of fast food and the amount of fast food people eat.

    Yours Sincerely

    Uffe, Tess, Mazlum, Emilie, Emma & Rikke