English for game and game for english

The "English for game and game for english" project stimulates the sharing and strengthening of language skills through a full immersion in games and activities that stimulate interaction with the English language role play, team kids building activities with natural assimilation, connecting , emotions and knowledge. How to inspire deep, critical thinking through game-based learning. Every game has potential for learning. Playful activities stimulate their curiosity in Total Body Movement approach ( a method used for learning English as a second language) they involve, allowing them, to assimilate sounds and words. in response to the guidelines of the 2020-21 school plan and the guidelines document 0-6 in reference to the enhancement of the context as an active school; in compliance with the Covid 19 emergency. The project ends in May English for kids through individual group games The narration is part of the methodology of the project with the story: "HELLO FRIEND! By Rebecca Cobb Partners pre school ITALY in collaboration pre school and primary school GREECE

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