1 Introduction

  • Dear Partners, Friends and Visitors,


    this is a beautiful project about the different sounds of languages. Here you can meet enthusiastic teachers and students from five countries: Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Italy and Romania. We did not have as much time to work on this because of worldwide pandemic lockdown of schools. But we did our BEST.

    On 8th December via our first online meeting, we have agreed on the following tasks that we plan to do together.

    Our collaborative plan:

    1/ sharing book covers;

    2/ project dictionary;

    3/creating students accounts -  voluntary students;

    4/ ART - designing plupils project logo - one per student - voting end of January;

    5/ ICT - quizz about our country - April, May;

    6/ Sts can visit twinspace anytime, use chatroom, they can give likes - online meeting for students;

    7/ May of books - Italy, Month of books and libraries - recording - comparing sounds - similar/different, some pictures about the process or videos;

    8/ MUSIC - we will try - due to pandemic situation;