
  • What students think about the eTwinning project - One word


    What activities did you most enjoy 



    In the last project meeting via Zoom, the teachers analyzed the responses given by the students, having concluded that the project achieved the expected objectives, with the words "Fantastic" and "Interresting" being the most mentioned by the students.

    Sharing the exercises with colleagues was also one of the most voted tasks, which reinforces the importance of using a platform like eTwinning that allows this contact with other countries. Finally, the recording of the exercises, which ended up being the one where, through the elaborate scripts, allowed a more significant learning, was also one of the ones that the students liked the most.

    Thus, as teachers of the project's students, we concluded that the students learned math but more importantly communicated and felt accompanied by their peers from other countries. We, too, teachers grew up as professionals. We are all to be congratulated.