Media literacy - pre work - workshops

  • 1st International online meeting with our students focused on Media Literacy

    The first pre-work meeting with our students will be held on 15. March from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM.

    Ffrom each partner school there will be five students participating in these workshops.

    There will be 5 workshops.

    1. workshop: What is Media? Media are constructions.

    2. workshop: What is Media literacy?

    3. workshop: Commercial implications of the media

    4. workshop: How false news can spread

    5. workshop: Filter Bubble Trouble


    On 31.March 2021 our students from 4.B, who participated in international wokshops and they became our seniou Media Literacy ambassadors, organised a Media Literacy Day. It was carried out in 10 different classes during three lessons and our ambassadors were very successful. 

    Our Ambassadors: Oliver Repasky, Lukáš Švihla, Michal Ondrej, Daniela Dovalová,Kristián Farkaš, Evka Lehocká, Adam Kováč a Daniel Mikula, Danielka Helcmanová and Nelka Tutková.

    Here are some of the outcomes: