New E.P.e. (European Parliament e-Twinning)

New Teenagers E.P.e. Project (European Parliament e-Twinning) aims to develop the culture of Democratic Participation in students. The new edition was created to continue the success of the first edition. It is a good practice and young people become responsible for making important choices,such in the first edition issues concerning the objectives of the 2030 agenda will be addressed but this time they will be aimed at: no poverty, affordable and clean energy, reduced inequalities, climate action, life below water, peace and justice. A real Parliament will be established among the European students who will join the project. The teenagers will have to vote on the good practices to be observed at school and in society concerning different theme. Each group will propose a topic, it will be discussed, it will be decided by voting through the twinspace pool, the approved law will be applied at school in daily life and published in the "Official e-Twinning Journal".

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