Project Plan

  • Project Time Table:

    1-18 October 2020: Finding a founder partner from abroad to start the project. Presenting the project to the National Agency. Offering the project to the other teachers to study.


    19-31 October 2020: Choosing the students members from our classes.  Sharing project plan and time table. First video conference meeting with all partners


    1-30 November 2020: Making project’s logo and slogans (using web 2.0 tool: Setting parts of the partners on twinspace. Creating teachers whatsapp group. Post addresses of memebers’ schools for writing and sending materials. Perparing a beginning survey on google drive and sending it to all memebers. Creating slogans, cartoon and caricatures with web 2.0 tool. Applying social media accounts and internet site for the project. Video conference meeting with all partners.


    1-31 December 2020: Searching biodiversity and ecosystem. Students will make slayt shows or videos. Singing a song about nature. Teachers upload these materials on twinspace and social media. Video conference meeting with all partners.


    1-31 January 2021: Searching these questios ”Which animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction? How many species? What are the percentiles(%) of these rates?”. Shooting a short film about animals and plants. They will use some web 2.0 tools online and upload twinspace. They will watch wild animals on live cams in site


    1-28 February 2021: Searching What are the five direct drivers of change in nature with the largest relative global impacts so far? What are the direct result of human activity to the species and nature? They will make posters (with web 2.0 tool, show cards or pictures about 1-changes in land and sea use, 2-direct exploitation of organisms, 3-climate change, 4-pollution, 5-invasive alien species. Finding the changes(photos, vidoes) in the nature during the CORONA period Uploading to twinspace and social media. Video conference meeting with all partners.


    1-31 March 2021: Searching What are the results of agricultural crop production on land-based environment and marine environment? Plastic pollution and fertilizers? Students will make slayt shows or videos, write the blog on twinspace. Sharing infos and photos about destroying environment for agriculture on web 2.0 tool


    1-30 April 2021: What are results of the global human population growth? Searching tropical forests, agricultural production, fish harvest, bioenergy production and harvest of materials. Searching non-governmental organisations’ post adresses in all members’ countries. Taking photos in our area about threats and precautions in the nature. Students will make slayt shows or videos, write the blog on twinspace. Web 2.0 tools can be used.


    1-31 May 2021: By the Numbers-Key Statistics and Facts about vanishing, decreasing and extinction (Species, Populations and Varieties of Plants and Animals, Food and Agriculture, Oceans and Fishing, Forests, Mining and Energy, Urbanization, Development and Socioeconomic Issues, Health, Climate Change). Searching non-governmental organisation about nature, animals, water etc. In all members’ countries such as Green Peace, TEMA. So Every member school will send the most suitable material to the other member’s country organisation(Ex: From Georgia to Sweden). Video conference meeting with all partners.


    1-30 June 2021: What are the solutions to conserve healthy biodiversity and ecosystems? The present generation’s responsibilities? Sustainable solutions for living in harmony with nature? Students will make slayt shows or videos, write the blog on twinspace. Web 2.0 tools can be used. We will evaluate the outputs of the project, materials, activities by survey, comments. We will share all outputs with our partners. It will be finished with success.