Museum online - The Royal Castle "Myths"

  • On Tuesday (26.01.2021r.) I and the rest of the 7a class had an educational museum lesson at the zoom under the title "in the world of ancient myths". The meeting lasted 45 minutes. Our goal was to explore the topic of mythology. Our lesson consisted of a meeting with a lady who was telling us interesting facts about ancient gods while playing a presentation with photos and text.

    In the beginning, she told us what mythical figures are and why they gained such popularity.
    Then she asked us some basic questions about mythology.
    Then we got to know more about some stories of Greek gods, which I will tell you about.
    At the very beginning, we learned about the history of Kronos, Chronos, Atlas, Uranos, and Gaia. Later we explored the story of Prometheus, or how he created man. He fashioned him out of clay and tears and breathed his soul into him. When Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans, which made the king of Olympus very angry. Years later he was freed by Heracles. The next topic of the lesson was Apollo. We learned that he was one of the most beautiful gods, he was the patron of music and poetry, and his attribute was the lyre. Next, we listened to the story of Athena or the goddess of wisdom and just war. She was the protector of Athens, and her attributes were the shield and the owl. Later we learned more information about Poseidon. He was the ruler of the seas and protector of fishermen and sailors. He was the brother of Zeus, and his attribute was a trident. Next, we learned in more depth about Demeter and Persephone. Demeter was the goddess of harvest and nature and was the mother of Persephone, with whom Hades fell in love. Next, the topic of the lesson was Heracles, the son of Zeus. He killed his wife and children. To atone he did 12 works. His attributes were a mace and an outfit made of lion skin.
    At the end of the lesson, you summarized everything we had learned in that lesson.
    At the very end, you told us about the most famous phrases and word compounds connected with ancient mythology.

    I remember the lesson very nicely, I liked it. I think that it was successful, thanks to it I learned a lot. I'm glad that we were able to take part in such a lesson and I hope that there will be more of them in the future.


    Laura, a 7a student