With our project “We shape our future” we want to actively participate in the positive transformation of our world for its people, nature and prosperity. We want to strengthen universal peace and want to raise awareness that inequality and poverty are the greatest global challenge. We want to work with our students towards the goals of Agenda 2030 because only with collective participation we can shift the world onto a fair and sustainable path.
We want to empower our students to actively take part in shaping a sustainable future. With our project we want to focus on the values that lie in diversity, equal opportunities, sustainability and well-being.
The project “We shape our future” is accomplished by five schools (GER, BG, IT, SP, HR). In this project we want to empower our students to actively take part in shaping a sustainable future. With our project we want to focus on the values that lie in diversity, equal opportunities, sustainability and well-being.We bring our creativity and work force together to create material for activities, so that fellow students and the local community will get involved in our process to shape our future.We will explore the impact of non sustainability on oneself, our own family and friends, our own future plans, the neighbourhood, city and theplanet. We ask and answer the questions of how students can contribute in their daily life, at school, at home, in their neighbourhood, town.We discuss the impact of inequalities in our daily lives (e.g. gender gap, health inequalities) and research on different kind of diversity andinequalities. We create material to raise awareness and share it.
We plan activities/events and perform them. We build international contacts.We have decided to focus on five goals of Agenda 2030: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Achieve genderequality and empower all women and girls. Reduce inequality within and among countries. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,resilient and sustainable. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Of course, we also have the focus on quality education,peace, justice and strong institutions and a strong and reliable partnership.
In working on an intellectual topic, students build up awareness. In creating material, they take over responsibility. In exchanging experience,they practice communication and in planning and performing activities for others they experience their impact. All these steps will lead them toseeing the chances of participating for a better world.At the respective schools we prepare (learning) material for activities and events that will first be carried out at the own school. Then weexchange materials and experience so that the partner schools can carry out the same event. In the second year we want to bring our eventsto the next level and cooperate with out-of-school organisations in school and out of school. We want to collaborate on a local and regionallevel.Back home several teachers and students of different levels will be involved. Travelling students will be aged 13-16.