Work Plan
October 2020:
Erasmus Days Event +
Disseminating the project / bulletin board +
School team meeting +
Project team meeting ( 6 schools) +
Pre-test to see the consciousness level about the project scope +
November 2020:
Logo Preparation +
Spanish Day +
Preparing City/ country/ school/ education system presentations +
December 2020:
A Seminar on Digital Addiction +
Preparing New Year & Christmas Cards on web 2 tools +
January 2021:
Turkish Day +
Black & White corner: The Ss will tack their ideas about “Internet Use” either negative or positive about Internet- eSafety +
Padlet discussion: the Ss from all schools will read the corners with the Ss’ ideas on internet and they will also add their comments under each thought +
February 2021:
" Internet Addiction & Conscious Internet User" workshop +
March 2021:
The top 10 website Report : 50 students and their parents from each school will mention about the top websites they mostly use with their reasons. There will also be a debate / brainstorming on the topic +
April 2021:
Polish Day +
Testing the Power of Social Media: “ a social experiment” will be made on social media in order to scale the power of social media holistically and share the results of each school on a common padlet, celebrating eTwinning year of Media literacy and disinformation
May 2021:
Workshop "Social Media Addiction and How to Prevent From it Replacing it with Good Uses of Technology"
June 2021:
Exhibitions with the pictures drawn about search history : the aim is to draw attention about the topic with striking pictures
“What is your search history?” : 50 people from each participating schools will be kindly asked to show their search history either on PC, Laptop or Smart Phone;
how many of them accepted voluntarily and what the search history of the voluntary ones is will be processed and reported.
July-August-September 2021:
Editing twinspace
General meeting among schools and within the schools
bulletin boards
October 2021:
Latvian Day
European Code Week
Erasmus Days
November 2021:
'Smart Phone Addiction' worshops, events
December 2021:
Croatian Day
New Year & Christmas Cards on the theme of "e- Safety" with web 2.0 tools
January 2022:
"Bullying & Cyber- Bullying & Ways to prevent From it" worshop, events
February 2022:
Safer Internet Day event : “Public Announcement Service on Cyber Bullying
March 2022:
Humour against Cyber-bullying : The Ss will create their own comic strips against Cyber-bullying informing their friends, teachers, parents about it
April 2022:
Learning Diaries of the Ss
Lithuanian Day
May 2022:
Photography within the theme of 'Digital Addiction Everywhere'
Preparing The Project Documentary and the best of Photo Album for the Project
June 2022:
Post-test and a report comparing the pre-test results
Dissemination of the project