Dan ružičastih majica 2021. / Pink Shirt Day 2021.


Ovim ćemo projektom obilježiti Dan ružičastih majica 2021. Učenici će upoznati na koje sve načine mogu doprinijeti smanjenju vršnjačkog nasilja.Projekt je usmjeren na učenike osnovnih i srednjih škola u starosti od 6-19 godina. Projektni partneri imaju slobodu obilježiti Dan ružičastih majica 2021. s učenicima na način koji žele kroz međupredmetne korelacije, radionice i aktivnosti. With this project we will mark Pink Shirt Day 2021. Students will learn how they can contribute to reducing bullying and how to stop it. The project is aimed at primary and secondary school students aged 6-19. Project partners have the freedom to mark Pink Shirt Day 2021. with their students in the way they want through cross-curricular correlations, workshops and activities.

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