Can disabled people practice all the sports?

  • All the students have been asigned to a group. Every group will work on a sport, according this instrucctions.


    Teachers have created this page, and there're subpages for working on different sports. You must go in the subpage related to your asigned sport (see the attached document).

    All the components of the group should organize in order to work on it, using the apps you want. The goals is answering all the items you’ll find in the template, filling the gaps (see the attached document).

    If you want to get a higher mark, you can edit a video, write a poster, create a podcast… Whatever you consider it will be the best. The prettiest you do your work, the higher mark you’ll be given.

    Deadline for uploaading your task to eTwinning: 28th April.


    Main activity_Groups.doc

    Main activity_Template.doc