Književnik mog zavičaja 2 - Writer of my region 2


Projekt je namijenjen različitim dobnim skupinama. Sudionici u projektu upoznat će život, rad i stvaralaštvo književnika koji je povezan sa zavičajem u kojem učenik živi, primjereno dobi. Spoznaje, uratke i stvaralačke aktivnosti podijelit će sa sudionicima projekta. Uporabom novih IKT-a stvarat će se sadržaji i dijeliti spoznaje i ideje, razvijati vještine i poticati kreativnost drugih. The project is intended for different age groups. The participants of this project, based on their age, will learn about life, work and creation of the writer related to the region in which they live. The cognitions, work and creative activities will be shared with other participants of the project. By using new information and communication technologies, there will be contents created and utilized to share acquired knowledges and ideas as well as to develop skills and encourage creativity amongst.

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