The Best Season is.....All of Them !

Children are curious, and their questions about life around them are unending. All of us have many cognitive capacities, but most of us are particularly strong in some and weak in others. In this effort, it helps to have a sense of our diverse cognitive capabilities, our multi-modal intelligence. Project should help the child form its own opinions, rather than taking that of others as facts. It should help the child develop patience and perseverance. As the child discovers new things, a project should also open new possibilities of research, with great anticipation of new findings and possibilities to express itself. In addition, develop of a wide range of skills and knowledge. This project is planned multidisciplinary as researching life in seasons – weather, impact on all life , thru painting, story writing, dramatization, music – singing, dancing... children will research, define and explain events and changes in different seasons on many way using different competences.

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