And finally, we asked you to evaluate our project.
Here are the results:
It’s a great experience, I learned new words that I didn’t know. I think it is important communicate with others country and I felt very good. I liked the group and I am proud about my work.
This project is a very good initiative and I learned a lot of things in other countries during exchanges. I improved my English skills and to work together. Working like that rather than in a traditional way was more attractive. I get along well with my group, it was a great opportunity to get to know new people.I liked to have different ideas to build the final project and take into account everyone's points of view.Orsoni Emma / France
The project is a really great experience to get to know students from other countries. I learned a lot about working with international partners and how to communicate with them. I'm thankful for having the possibility of such an experience in school.Katharina/ Germany
It was very interesting to meet international students and get to know their experience. Surprisingly, we all have had similar thoughts and feelings, which made me feel connected to other Europeans. This was a new way of working together, which I liked. I learned a lot about digital skills and tools.Sophie/Germany
It was an interesting experience. I enjoyed working with new people and getting to know them. The communication via Whatsapp went really well. It was fun collecting different ideas and talking about the current Corona situation and rules in their country. All in all it was an interesting project and I enjoyed building new friendships with people I would have never met in my everyday life.
At the end of this project I can say that it was a great experience for me and that I would love to do something like this again in the future. I learned more about the other european countries and how they deal with an pandemic like this. In conclusion I am very happy with the result of our group and how we functioned as a team. ;)
I had quite a bit of fun during the course of this project. Even with slight problems, the people I worked with were nice and friendly towards me and other members of our group. It was also an interesting way to learn about other countries and a bit of their culture, instead of just reading about it in a book or watching a simple video. It was an interesting way of spending my time because neither me nor my group members were restricted to just one topic and were given the freedom to choose what we felt we should include in our work and what may not have been as important.Talisha / Germany
This project is an awesome experience to get to know students from other countries in Europe. I learned many intresting things about the pandemic in other countries. What I disliked about the project is that some students were not motivated enough to do anything for this project.Edgar/ Germany
The project is a awesome way to connect students in Europe. We got to know their experiences with COVID-19 and it was quite nice to see how they handled the situation. It made me realize even more that we are all in the same boat even though we seem to live far away from each other.Leon/Germany
It was a nice experience and I learned a lot about Italy. Moreover, I created a magazine for the first time in my life. It was interesting to work with new people from other countries and cultures.♥️
In my opinion the project is a good way to get to know about European cultures. There were a few communication problems but these are not too important. It was a good testing for future projects and we could learn how to work across borders.
To me the project was a great opportunity to get to know new people and learn about their country. I was very happy to have a group were most people were willing to commit to the project resulting in a nice experience and a good outcome of the project. Thus, I am hoping to keep in touch with them. Moreover, do I feel like I have a good sense on how covid-19 influenced other countries now. At last I would say that the project was a success and I would recommend it as long as the students are willing to commit to it.
This project was a great way to "meet" new people. It was interesting to see how people from different countries dealt with the Coronavirus. Overall the cooperation has worked well.Meret/ Germany
I generally enjoyed the project especially getting to know the fellow European students was one of the best parts. However sometimes the communication difficulties made it seem very unproductive, which was a bit frustrating. Besides this the group work was great as everyone was motivated enough to add something wherever possible even if they were a bit shy. Max Christenhusz
For me, the project was very interesting. It was very fun and fascinating to "meet" new people across europe- even in times of corona. In the end I liked the way we worked in our groups, especially in the ones we splitted up. The zoom meeting we did there was fun too because we didn't just work on our project but also chatted about specific things typical for our countries and learned more about each other etc...All in all I enjoyed the project and the experiences I made and I would highly recommend it to others.Thank you for working together and stay safe and sound! ;)~ Moritz from Germany
The project was a great opportunity to interact with students from other countries in Europe. I learned a lot about communicating with international partners and how to work with them efficiently. Even though there were some technical difficulties, we manage to finish our projects. We should be proud of ourselves ;). I am thankful for our teachers organising this project, it was a rather interesting experience.Greetings, Jonas A./ Germany
It was an enriching experience for me because I learned more about group work. I discovered a new way of working and learned some new words. There were a lot of students in our group but we found a way to communicate and create content together. It was interesting to learn more about how the different countries are dealing with this very complicated situation. I enjoyed this project and I'm happy to have been able to participate. Thanks everyone and don't forget to stay safe!Imane Sadeddine / Corsica
It was great experience. I learned a lot new things I'm sure a good communicating skills are one of the most important thing to know because it will be useful in future. I liked the group I was in and I'm proud of your work.
for my part :)i really enjoyed working on this project he taught me new things to meet new people and to improve my english.i really enjoyed my group i am very happy to have participated in this project with them and I am very fascinated to know that I am speaking with other people from other countries. OMG!!and that yes we are ALL bothered by this virus but that we are all strong!;)
I really enjoyed this experience and it was so cool working with different people across europe! I really liked my topic (post lockdown) and while there were quite a bit of people in our group we still managed to make it all work out in the end!Sarah Djerroud
the project idea was great. attempts to connect people from different cultures, traditions and views of life were very extreme but many people got to know each other's customs. During the project, I met many wonderful people. I have improved my skills in communicating in English. A very nice atmosphere. Best regards, #cannelledplans group: Travels! You are cool! 😍🥰❤️
It was a fantastic experience to work with people from other countries. I'm proud of my group members, beacuse they helped me when i can't do something. I did't think it could be such a nice experience. I'd like to thanks my group. The atmosphere was very nice and people with whom I had the opportunity to work. Kamil - Polska
the project idea was great. attempts to connect people from different cultures, traditions and views of life were very extreme but many people got to know each other's customs. During the project, I met many wonderful people. I have improved my skills in communicating in English. A very nice atmosphere. Best regards, #cannelledplans group: Travels! You are cool ❤️Nela from Poland
It was really a very good experience, we exchanged together without the language barrier. I think it is important to know how the confinement and overall the epidemic of the Covid-19 be felt in the different Europeans countries. I worked in very good conditions and ambiance with my team, I liked to talk together about our different feelings of the situation of the epidemic and how is the life in others countries: culture, traditions. I realized that I could communicate well thanks to English with new people. Thanks to this project I improve my English skills and learning to work in team despite the differents problems but with endurance we have overcame the difficulties together and the more important I met new people. Tomasi Ghjuvà/ Corsica
it was really cool to communicate with others people from others countries, discovering others cultures... It was interesting to know about how the pandemic was handled and how it affect people's life in others countries and it's really different everywhere ! stay safe goodbye :) céliana picodot / Corsica
it was a great experience to communicate and work with people from other countries. it was good because it helped us to improve our practice in English. I learned a lot of interesting things about the pandemic in different placesPetrignani Matteo/ France
This project is a great experience to work learn English more easily. I was able to strengthen and use my knowledge. I used new digital tools. It was a great opportunity to get to know new people.Orlova polina / France
The project#cancelled plans was a great experience for me that I would remember. It allowed me to improve a lot my English skills when I talk with my strangers partners. In my group, people are very friendly, sociable, creative and full of good humor, so, I made incredible meetings.We have talk about all, we have exchange our cultures, talk about our daily life and our activities in general.This, show us we have a good spirit of group, it allowed to us to improve our English and to also understand people who speak English and that's very cool.About our work on the project (Travels). We have all exchange our ideas about the covid-19 and we know how the covid-19 be left in different countries, we got along very well.Thanks for all !Pietri Laurent / Corsica
I found this project to be very rewarding, interesting and useful in order to improve. I have been very pleased to exchange with other comrades from other countries, we were able to compare and learn about the countries. I learned things and improved my English a little bit with this project, I would like to do more. I also enjoy working in a group in solidarity.Adriana Santucci/ Corse
The project was amazing to do. It was very interesting and fun to do. I was a bit late with my work but im very graceful that my teammates made no problem of it. And I made some new friends in the meantime ;)
The project is cool to made with teamates .I improve my english with this project and meet new people of Europe .I learn to made a website and to use differents digital tools .It's great to made this project in the time of Covid 19 because we don't travel in international. With my teammates, we made this project with a lot of works.The problem of project is the communication with the timetable.
this project was very interesing, i learned new word and i'm better in English now. All people in my groups have been kind and nice, i learned more about contries and also the inpact of the pendemic. It was cool to talk with stranger, and I'am proud of my work (: Elyne/Corsica
The ETwinning project is a very good project to get to know people from other European countries. I learned a lot about how other European countries were handling the covid 19 crisis. But I don't like that some students don't respond and don't give 100 percent in the project*Mathieu Marinetti/ France
This project was very interesting because it was the first time for me that I did a job like this. I had never worked with people from other countries and I found it very interesting.Ritouet Arnaud Corsica
I think that this project was generally good because for my part at least I found it very interesting to be able to talk with foreigners and also to learn new things. I also find that it makes me progress in understanding and speaking it.Lucas Risticoni Sessa / France
in my opinion project is a awesome.I could meet a lot of people from other countriesI improved my English skills and I also learned different other cultures
This experience was great, I have never talked to anyone outside of Europe. This project introduced me to new people and to know what was happening in Europe during the pandemic. It introduced me to the English language better. I hope in the future to make others similar to this one.
I found this experience very interesting, I enjoyed exchanging my thoughts with those of other countries and collaborating with them; I would love to be able ti do again!
I liked this experience, it taught me to work better in English, also worked in a group (even if the understanding was sometimes a little bit complicated) otherwise everything went well we were able to do some good job. We have also learned a lot about health during this health crisis. Thank you to our teacher for this good project.
I am very happy with this experience, I met other people who made me understand the various situations in Europe.I have grown a lot thanks to this experience
it was a really good experience. it was great to interact with other people and speak english with them. it was interesting to know what was happening in other countries. it was really stimulating to be able to compare ourselves by speaking in English. The girls were really great and I had a lot of fun. I discovered new things and enjoyed working together on this platform.Laura Mariani from Italy
it was a really good experience. it was great to interact with other people and speak english with them. it was interesting to know what was happening in other countries. it was really stimulating to be able to compare ourselves by speaking in English. the girls were really great and I had a lot of fun. I discovered new things and enjoyed working together on this platformLaura Mariani / Italy
This project taught me to interact with people from other countries, to use English to communicate and I learned new terms. It was also fun and I am happy to have done this job with my partners
It is beautiful experience. I learned a lot of things, like pronunciatons and new ways to structure maps. I really enjoyed interacting with people from other countries, also improving some aspects of myself
I really like this concept, but unfortunately, I couldn't really participate in many activities because my exams started at the beginning of the project. Breaking my shoulder also doesn't help , but that is of course my fault. I also didn't really learn anything new, because of little participation. I hope my school plans this project better for the future students of my school because I think it can really help students with their English all over the world.
I think this is a nice experience. I liked that you had contact with people all over Europe. The members of our group were friendly. There were sometimes some miscommunications or late answers that made it a bit confusing. In spite of that, I had a nice time.
This project was something special. I had a blast with making my part of this project and reviewing what the other people in my team made. The communication wasn't always amazing, but they were all amazing people. The subject was really interesting to work with as well. Every powerpoint from our group really gave a almost perfect conlusion about how Covid-19 is in the country that was spoken about. I really hope that I can keep in touch with these people, but time will tell :).
I think it is a very good project to get in touch with other countries, although communication was sometimes difficult because we all had different deadlines. Nevertheless, it was a nice experience to do and to meet people from other countries with the same interests. Nette (Belgium)
The project was a very good idea! A nice way to stay connected during these isolated times. Unfortunately, I myself did not really connect with other people, because i focused on projects without connection. I wished the project had been a little longer, maybe until may or june, so we could have had more time to connect (and so peak of the project didn't fall in our exams). I overall enjoyed it a lot! Bien from Belgium
I liked this project because it allowed me to learn things in English but also I really enjoyed talking with other thinkers of my age who come from different countries and to know more about the covid.Laaouer yasmine /Corsica
Overall, I had a good experience with this project. It was nice to get to know people from other countries. I feel like I have a good sense of how the pandemic affected other countries now. Due to my exams, I was not able to participate as much, which made me feel a bit unproductive. Fortunately, I was in a nice and motivated group so everything worked out fine. I am grateful to have had this experience.Larissa from Belgium
The idea behind the project was creative! In times of corona it is necessary to get in touch with new people. I learned here that communication is the most important thing in such projects. So it was not always obvious to work together with everyone, because everyone had different standards and habits. I hope we will have another chance to get in touch with other countries like this. Kind Regards Free Amerlinck
In my opinion Twinspace is a great way of learning about different cultures/languages. It's fun and educational. It's a great way of meeting new people, definitely when your a shy person. Besides that, I would've really enjoyed to have more options and maybe even more obligations. Now I didn't get directly in contact with anyone. Maybe if they made some type of assignment wherefore you have to form groups with the people from the other countries. That way you'll be more likely to get in contact with others. This would also be better for people with anxiety, they can work with people from their class and others without having to make the first move.
I think this is a very good project to meet people from other countries and cultures. Especially in times of corona it's nice to be in touch with people online. The members of the group I'm in are very friendly, although sometimes it was a little difficult to communicate. Overall, it was a very nice experience!
I found it a very interesting project. I liked the idea of working with young people of our age and with the same interests, but from a different country (who speak another mother tongue and have a different culture). Unfortunately, communication was not always easy and I missed some clarity. However Etwinning is a nice way to 'really' communicate with others, not in artificial circumstances in our classroom!
I think this is a very convenient and instructive platform on which to learn about other languages and cultures. However, it is not easy to communicate with each other through this site, I think. If the Coronavirus would not be there, we could learn even more. Because then we would be able to meet each other. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Kind regardsSiebe Rossaert
It was a very good way to improve my English but also to communicate with people from different countries. Now that we haven't been able to go abroad because of corona, I still got to learn some things about other countries, such as food. I also got to know different cultures and how they deal with the corona virus. Overall, I thought it was a fun and educating experience!
I think this project is a great idea. Everyone here is very creative and talented. It was very interesting to see everyone's standpoint on life during covid. I do think that the website was a little bit confusing to use sometimes but other than that, everything was okay! I do think that it would be much more interesting to see each other in real life rather than on the internet. Dawid from Belgium