don Pasquino Borghi, Bibbiano

  • Pasquino Borghi "Albertario" was born in Bibbiano in 1903 and died in Reggio Emilia in 1944 killed by the fascists. He was an Italian priest, missionary and partisan, gold medal for military valor. 

    Don Pasquino Borghi

    (Click on the word cloud to access the interactive image)

    In fact, on 7 January 1947 the provisional head of the Italian Republic, Enrico De Nicola, awarded him the gold medal for military valor in memory.
    "An ardent animator of the first partisan groups, he instilled in them the healthy enthusiasm that sustained them in action. His house was asylum for escapes from German captivity and a school for new freedom fighters. Imprisoned by the enemy, he endured suffering and torture, but the faith and piety closed their lips in a sublime silence that spared his comrades in prison the suffering of prison and the agony of torture. He faced the enemy lead with the purity of martyrs and with the pride of the strong and on the threshold of death his a word of faith and comfort was an extreme viaticum to the companions in the sacrifice to rise to the sky of heroes ".

    In Bibbiano there is also the house where the priest's family lived and where he was born.

    Our first grade secondary school "D. Alighieri" is located in via don Pasquino Borghi, as reported by the sign on the corner of the street, in front of the main entrance of the school building:

    The village of Bibbiano commemorates the figure of Don Pasquino also with a particular monument in which laurel wreaths are deposited on the occasion of the civil anniversaries of memory.

    Inside our school there is a beautiful carved wooden medallion depicting Don Pasquino Borghi:


    We report the texts of the four writings reported in the four corners of the medallion, with its English translation:

    Don Pasquino Borghi was born in Bibbiano on October 26, 1903.
    Missionary, patriot, priest of Christ, herald of the Gospel.

    He faced Fascist lead with the purity of martyrs, with the pride of the strong, with Christ in his heart on January 30, 1934.
    It is written in the Bible: "There is no greater friend than he who gives his life for his brothers".

    Work by Salvatore Magri from Brindisi, made entirely by hand in June 2004.

    Wanted by
    - Municipality of Bibbiano
    - Mr. Angelo Caffarri A.N.C.R. (National Association of Combatants and Veterans) and Piero Jotti A.N.P.I. (National Association of Partisans of Italy)

    In Bibbiano, next to the parish church, there is the Home for the elderly is also named after Don Pasquino Borghi:


  • Don Pasquino Borghi

    Webquest - don Pasquino Borghi

    The webquest is attached to learn more about the figure of Don Pasquino Borghi.
    It's a different way to learn ...
    Good job!