Safer Internet Day activities

  • Internet Safety Day

    Branko, Ogulin, Croatia

    Open Day - activities

    10 online safety rules/ Marijampole Ryto basic school

    1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
    2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
    3. Practice Safe Browsing.
    4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection.
    5. Be Careful What You Download.
    6. Choose Strong Passwords.
    7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
    8. Be Careful What You Post.
    9. Be Careful Who You Meet Online.
    10. Keep Your Antivirus Program Up To Date.

    Protecting yourself while using the internet

    Some tips to keep safe on net.

    Branko, Ogulin, Croatia

    What is internet safety? What information do we publish on the Internet? What do we not publish on the Internet? What are your tips for using the internet?

    Patricia, Ogulin, Croatia

    1. Internet security is computer security that applies not only to the Internet but also to network security. 2. Informations wich we publish on internet are our first and last name, town were we live and how old we are. 3. We don't post our adress and passwords. 4. My advice is that we shouldn't post something about our private life or things from others people friends.

    Paulina, Ogulin, Croatia

    Safety our informations on social media.
    Our locations and photos.
    Passwords, adress and phone number.
    Be carefuly with people and profiles on Internet.

    Ana, Ogulin, Croatia

    Internet safety refers to thw act of staying safe online. Do not reveal your password, phone number, place of residence. Be safe on the internet.

    Matea, Ogulin, Croatia

    Internet safety refres to the act of staying safe online.

    Lea, Ogulin, Croatia

    1. Internet safety refers to the act of stayong safe online.
    2. Informations that we publish on Internet are: our first and laste name, photos...
    3. Informations that we shouldn't publish on Internet are: our adress, phone number, passwords...
    4. Tips: be careful what you post, set strong passwords

    Matea, Ogulin, Croatia

    1. Internet safety refres to the act of staying safe online
    2. use complex unique passwords for different accounts
    3. adress, telephone number and passwords
    4. Be careful