Creative Drama and Games in ELT


Creative Drama and Games in English Language Teaching Project focus on teaching English to secondary school students in enjoyable and effective ways. The partnercountries are; Romania, Turkey, Portugal, Lithuania and North Macedonia. Their age is between 11-16. These students are the main participants of the project as they will take part in all dramas and they will enjoy the games in English lessons. The project will be based on two basic planned activities. These are games and Creative Drama activities. For games, every school will produce at least two games related to the monthly themes every month. Totally, 100 games will be produced. English lessons with games will help to increase the levels of the students to the upper level and to lessen the anxiety levels of the students. In the project, 3 Dramas will be produced as a teamwork. Students will write the scenarios of the dramas together and they will take part in performing this Drama.

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