Fyllingsdalen Secondary School is located just outside Bergen City Centre, the second largest town in Norway. The school gives general theoretical education and vocational training and assures equal status to practical and theoretical education. In addition, Fyllingsdalen Secondary School have a Drama Department, and a Special Needs Department. The upper secondary education is leading either to higher education, or to vocational qualifications or partial qualifications. General theoretical education, vocational training, drama education and special needs education are offered side by side, in the same school building.
The school was built in 1980 and has around 550 students and 80 employees. The school has in recent years been modernised, and will be as new in 2020.
The school receives students from nearby secondary schools and students from other places in Bergen. Fyllingsdalen Secondary School has many students with another mother tongue than Norwegian. Some of these students are refugees, others are children of working immigrants and others have a mom or a dad from another country.
Fyllingsdalen Secondary School is fairly well equipped when it comes to ICT. The school's students all have their own laptop. The school has extensive experience with the use of information technology in teaching. A lot of the teacher are comfortable using the latest technology, and the school continuously invests in ICT equipment needed in a modern digital classroom. The school's management and all employees work systematically to give the students the best possible prerequisites for learning in a good, digital learning environment.
The school has participated in several international projects. The managers and employees who have participated in a project have returned to school with new knowledge and new ideas. This has helped develop the school to the way it is today. There is a good sharing culture, so that everyone in the school can benefit in new knowledge.
Throughout the year there are different school projects going on. The aim of these projects are to give the students good conditions for learning. For instance, there is have focus on good learning environments, and students are offered school breakfast for free every day. Furthermore, there is homework assistance from The Red Cross Organization, as well as annually programs on mental health issues.
In 2020 there will be a brand new Special Needs Department at school. The department is expanding and will move into new and modern locations in the school building. This department will have four Enclave Classrooms that train students with Special Educational Needs. The learners with disabilities/special needs will be able to choose to study subjects from all the school’s other departments, whether it be drama subjects, vocational training or general theoretical subjects. This ensures the inclusion of students, but also that the departments are working closely together offering the best education possible for all students.
Website http://www.hordaland.no/nn-NO/skole/fyllingsdalenvgs/