Igram se i učim / I play and learn

Igra je najprirodnija dječja aktivnost, sastavni je dio života svakog pojedinca. Kroz igru djeca najbrže i najlakše uče, igra je izvor sreće, zabave i pomoć u učenju. Igra u nastavi učenike motivira za rad i pomaže im pri usvajanju sadržaja. Za današnje učitelje veliki je izazov nastavu učiniti zabavnijom, zanimljivijom i dinamičnijom kako bi što više olakšali učenje i svoj rad učinili uspješnijim i manje stresnim za sebe i učenike. Play is the most natural children's activity, it is an integral part of every individual's life. Through play, children learn the fastest and easiest, play is a source of happiness, fun and help in learning. Playing in class motivates students to work and helps them to acquire content. It is a great challenge for today's teachers to make teaching more fun, interesting and dynamic in order to make learning as easy as possible and make their work more successful and less stressful for themselves and their students.

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