Poland: Danuta Bartkowiak-Siekańska

  • ...
    thank you for the invitation to the project.
    We send greetings from Poznań… :)

    Szkoła Podstawowa nr 84
    im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
    ul. Św. Szczepana 3
    61-465 Poznań
    Polska - Poland
    teacher: Danuta Bartkowiak – Siekańska

    POLAND - link

    our neighbors:


    POZNAŃ - link



    Poland is in Central Europe.

    Poland lies on the Baltic Sea in the north.

    In southern Poland are the mountains: the Sudeten and Carpathian Mountains.

    Poland is bordered by countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia.

    The most important rivers: the Vistula, Odra, Warta.

    The capital of Poland is Warsaw.

    We live in Poznań.

    Biggest cities: Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Łódź, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Toruń.


    preview36 piecePoznań sp84

    our team:

    about me:

    Hi, my name is Danuta /Danka/. I am from Poznań in Poland. I am certified teacher and I teach in primary school. My pupils /students/ are 6-10 years old. I am in eTwinning registered on 15.09.2007. My projects have received National and European Quality Labels. I was at the eTwinning Conference in Seville. I was an ambassador of the eTwinning program in Greater Poland in the years 2010 - 2014. I'm glad I get to know new and interesting people. I greet the teachers and all participants of eTwinning… :)