Project's Calendar

  • This project aims to make our school lessons more active through communication with pupils of same age group from different countries. The partner countries are Greece, Malta and Armenia. This project is related to subjects like home economics, new technologies, culture, history, Foreign Languages etc. With the help of this project, pupils will get to know their culture better by gathering and exploring information about their country and also get to know about new cultures of different countries. Pupils will also learn to use Web 2.0 tools which they will use during the project to present their work to the other pupils of different countries.



    All participants introduce themselves what are their names, interests, hobbies, favorite foods etc.

    In addition, they present their schools (building, lessons), towns, countries. Students create a presentation of most important landmarks of their city and share it on Twinspace.


    We will exchange greetings and e-cards for Christmas holidays and New Year Eve. 



    Students shall share their favourite traditional foods with the other students.



    A videoconference might also be organised which would include a quiz and guessing games on the topic of culture.

    During all their activities students use the Twin Space to communicate with the students from the other country and get to know each other better.



    All participants will evaluate the project.