Common encrypted e-book


    Dear partners,

    You can start filling your own pages by accepting the  invitation sent to you by e-mail. When the ebook is complete, it will be a great memory of the interesting 2020 year. . We are looking forward to what will appear on the pages...


    Book titled '    ENCRYPTED LETTERS    COMMON E-BOOK'



    QR codes:)



    1) A blank e-book will be prepared by Nevin. The name of each school will be written on two pages reserved for them.

    (partners can increase the number of pages if necessary)

    2) Each school will write only one common encrypted new year letter/text on their pages.

          * Your text must be English. Your text can be in any length you want.

    (But it is better if the text is not too long because others can decipher more easily)

         * Your text  must contain the name of the previous school, name of the next school and the Christmas /New year.

    ( This is important, in this way, integrity will be provided in the book)

         * You should use an encryption method that we learned before in our project. Do not forget to write the name of the method you use.

    (You are better choosing easy encryption methods because others can decipher more easily)

    3) Each school will  decorate their own pages with pictures, new year cards etc.. as they wishes.This part depends on your own creativity.

    NOTE: 1) Dear teachers, if we can success in timing, we should first decipher the previous school's letter and start our page by writing the open version of the previous school's letter . And then we should to write our own encrypted letter on our page.In this way, we can write texts as continuation of each other.

    If we cannot success this due to timing issues, it will be sufficient to write a ciphertext that includes the name of the previous school, the name of the next school, and the new year.(If you don't understand this part please ask Nevin:)

    2) We will write the letters in the following order.

    Turkey(Kırıkkale)---Croatia---Slovakia---Czechia---Turkey(Ankara)---Romania---French Guinana---Lithuania---Poland---Spain( Alicante)---Swedan---Spain (Zaragoza)---Turkey(Kırıkkale)

    (For example,  Czechia will decrypt  Slovakia's letter and will write on encrypted letter to Ankara Turkey.)