Time Line

  • First Term: Science QR Code Flashcards


    Due : 9th to 15th November. Children can either prepare on-line write presentations or any other form of introductions which can be shared through Skype. 

    Anyone willing to Skype during this preparation period, I will be happy to do so, mainly on a Tuesday or Wednesday between 11:00 and 12:00 am. 

    Research Period

    Researching 17 Human organs: 

    Eye, Brain, Ear,

    Stomach, Liver, Lungs,

    Skin, Heart, Kidneys

    Bones, Muscles, Nerves

    Blood Vessels, Bladder, Windpipe

    Large Intestines, Small Intestines


    We can focus on 4 organs each and I will take 5 as I  will be working with 2 classes. Feel free to pick your choice as any will do for me. Gaby

    Creating Images Through Arts and Crafts children can create Images to be later used on flashcards. 
    Creating main information to go on the front side of each flashcard On a separate page, children are to write their description about each organ, and each class will add and edit each other's work. Here we can use Different Padlets to share information about the organs. 
    Creating, presentations/videos which will be later embedded within codes on the back side of each flashcard. 

    On-line free videos can be used, but ideally children create their own videos/presentation.

    Each card can carry :

    • Video about the organ
    • Voice Tread reading narrating information, giving opportunity for guided learning
    • Mentor mob on how to create an experiment or craft

    Powtoon E.Maze Thinglink Tellegami web 2.0 tools can be used as a presentation tool. 

    Note : I will create a sample card for all to see and we take it from there. 

    Assembling  Children will create soft copies of the final products, which later will be sent over to publisher for final touches and publishing.