Social media

  • Social media

    Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual-communities and networks. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that built on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

    Social Medias are a piece of our routine in our everyday life. Greek people are among the nations that visit social media very frequently. For more than 3 three years at least 50% of Greeks use the social media for their job, the 68% to visit on-line pages such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc. and the 60% blogs and forums.  Social media means the participation of people to groups.

    The on-line social medias are different from the other internet services such as sophisticated tools helping people to form digital document filing or communicate. Social medias have changed our lives and make them easier than before. In our days almost every house has a computer, a cell-phone or a tablet and it uses social media for at least 1 hour in a day. Except for helping, social media may have serious side effects since a great number of their users become addicted. Thus, people of all ages tend to have as their basic activity to surf the net and use the social media. It makes them happy and though it is pleasant for some time, it become a waste of time.