Parental authorizations and Aims of the project


    Lost&Found in P@ndemia

    eTwinning project



    I, undersigned …………………………………………………………………. parent of the student …………………………………………………………

    enrolled for the current year to the school ...................................................., having read the aims of the project, included in the class programming




    my son/daughter to participate in the eTwinning activity  “Lost&Found in P@ndemia” organized by the teacher ..................................................


    Within this project:

    I authorize I don’t authorize teachers: to publish photos/videos involving my son/daughter for the aims of the project.

    I authorizeI don’t authorize my son/daughter: to use educational apps related to the project and to create accounts for them if necessary.

    I authorize I don’t authorize my son/daughter: to use social network as whatsapp, facebook, instagram, twitter, snapshot, etc with regard to the project and to create accounts for them if necessary


    Date,                                                          parent’s signature



    Aims of the project (Italy)

    Aims of the project (Tahiti)

    Aims of the project (Czechia)