3-Plataforma usada

  • How did you structure your online classes. Did you use any platform?

    At the European school in Luxembourg I we always use the school platform which is 365 Oficie Education.
    This platform is a secure platform where we have all the information not only regarding the functioning of the school but also other tools that we can use. (Sway- that allows us to create blogs / Teams etc.
    It is through teams that we share what we intend to do with our students.
    Weekly we plan and send the plans to the parents, so they can prepare materials (which are almost always recyclable) or to be able to print them.
    Video lessons are also done on teams. As I have 26 students between the ages of 4 and 6, I chose to do it in groups of 4 children and a half hour, so that everyone can see each other and thus be able to give a more individualized attention to everyone.
    At the beginning it was daily but we chose to do it twice a week so that the children have time to do the proposed activities.

    It has been very busy weeks but with some joy for being able to see each other, for being able to share the work we do on the blog, but also full of longing to be together and to be able to share smiles, hugs and fun.



    Luxembourg-Maria Barreto


    At our school we use the Google Classroom and Meet .

    I worked in support with another colleague of special education, in individual sessions with students with special educational needs , with the support of parents.


    Ana Rita Costa, Portugal


    In our country, Ministry of Education created a tv channel which named Eba Tv and our students watches their lessons everyday in the spesific hours from television. With the order of Ministry of Education all the lessons for all grades created and recorded and publish on tv everyday. Also, there is an online platform, a website named Eba Live Lesson, all the teachers enter this platform at the spesific time and the students enter this system, our teachers lecture live lessons via this platform. Lessons are going to continue until 19th of June.


    Sibel Karavelioğlu, Turkey/Gaziantep


    In Italia sono state usate diverse piattaforme per la didattica a distanza; il mio Istituto ha usato GSuite con Meet per le videoconferenze, WeSchool, Edmodo.

    Alessandra Massascusa, Pescara, Italy