

                                                          DISSEMINATION REPORT

    According to our dissemination plan; In October all the project partners shared the projects aim and a short summary on their websites.In November,we all showed our logo ideas and poster works,anti-bullying activity and “ Odd Socks Day Event” on social media accounts and on our school webpages as well as on twinspace.

    In December, the paired Christmas Cards’ videos were shared on twinspace,project webpage,social media accounts and school web pages.

    In January 2021, we organized a Bullying Awareness poll with google.doc and shared on twinspace.

    In February 2021, we prepared project’s brochure and handed them out to our local shareholders. But because of pandemic some of us sent them through e-mail.

    The 5th February , World Safe Internet Day videos were also shared on social media, ,project and school web pages. Some of us could upload this video in March.

    We shared Hugs Day and Pink Shirt Day activity on the same accounts mentioned above in May.

    And last we all again shared our alphabet of emotions on these accounts in June.