7. Mobility 1/Torres Vedras, Portugal

  • Torres Vedras (Portugal) was our wonderful 1st mobilty with students. All the 6 partner teams were together for the first time after awating for a long time.

    It was amazing to get to know all of us and we shared beautiful places accompanied by the leadership of our warm Portuguese team.

    We had to stay at a hotel, all together, eat in the school canteen and in some cozy restaurants, mainly due to the COVID sanitary alarm.

    The Portuguese team worked hardly to show us and give us the opportunity to participate in a large range of traditional outdoor games and, as well as, to collaborate in investigating workshops about the topic, in which all the delegations had the chance to give their point of view finding out differences and similarities.

    Another big points in this mobility were to discober the history of the place, the landscapes, traditions, delicious cuisine and many other important things that make the Portugal be like it is.