EVALUATION: Tell us your opinion! Feedback questionnaire and responses





    53 response
    Where are you from?(53 responses)
    02468101214161820LithuaniaFinlandEstonia21 (39.6%)18 (34%)14 (26.4%)
    Index Count
    3 21
    2 18
    1 14
    No responses yet for this question.
    What did you appreciate about this project? (53 responses)
    05101520253035OtherI could make…I learnt how t…I learnt to col…I enjoyed wo…it allowed me…it was an op…it was an op…35 (66%)14 (26.4%)12 (22.6%)18 (34%)11 (20.8%)17 (32.1%)6 (11.3%)0 (0%)
    Index Count
    8 35
    7 14
    6 12
    5 18
    4 11
    3 17
    2 6
    1 0
    No responses yet for this question.
    How were you involved?(53 responses)
    05101520253035OtherI found some…I gave my opi…I created a lo…I helped to tra…I wrote a lege…I helped to cr…I helped to cr…I created a sli…I took photos…I wrote some…34 (64.2%)36 (67.9%)21 (39.6%)22 (41.5%)21 (39.6%)7 (13.2%)23 (43.4%)21 (39.6%)30 (56.6%)20 (37.7%)5 (9.4%)
    Index Count
    11 34
    10 36
    9 21
    8 22
    7 21
    6 7
    5 23
    4 21
    3 30
    2 20
    1 5
    No responses yet for this question.
    Which part of the project did you most enjoy? (53 responses)
    0510152025voting for the…writing a leg…creating a po…creating a sli…taking photossearching th…introducing…creating a logo22 (41.5%)13 (24.5%)6 (11.3%)27 (50.9%)10 (18.9%)7 (13.2%)16 (30.2%)18 (34%)
    Index Count
    8 22
    7 13
    6 6
    5 27
    4 10
    3 7
    2 16
    1 18
    No responses yet for this question.
    Which tools did you use?(53 responses)
    0510152025303540Othertellagamiyoutubeanimotophotopeachpadlettricider17 (32.1%)32 (60.4%)42 (79.2%)18 (34%)7 (13.2%)22 (41.5%)1 (1.9%)
    Index Count
    7 17
    6 32
    5 42
    4 18
    3 7
    2 22
    1 1
    No responses yet for this question.
    What is true about you?(53 responses)
    024681012141618202224OtherI feel more c…I feel more cr…I can work m…I can commu…I can work b…I improved m…I improved m…11 (20.8%)25 (47.2%)20 (37.7%)15 (28.3%)11 (20.8%)24 (45.3%)12 (22.6%)3 (5.7%)
    Index Count
    8 11
    7 25
    6 20
    5 15
    4 11
    3 24
    2 12
    1 3
    No responses yet for this question.
    What is the most valuable thing you learned thanks to this project? (25 responses)
    Two heads are better then one
    I learnt to collaborate with a team
    I learned nothing
    I learned more about legends.
    Learning about other cultures
    The surtin ways to do a project
    English and creating a slideshow
    I learn English and learn to work with various gadgets
    Better learned English
    What is the most valuable thing you learned thanks to this project? Jūsų atsakymas
    I learned some proagrams.
    I liked work with programs
    I learned the English and creativity
    Improved English language.
    I improved my English
    i dont know
    No responses yet for this question.
    How do you feel about your participation in the project? (53 responses)
    ..12345..010201 (1.9%)0 (0%)12 (22.6%)23 (43.4%)17 (32.1%)
    Index Count
    1 1
    2 0
    3 12
    4 23
    5 17
    No responses yet for this question.
    Would you like to participate in other European projects like this one in the future?(53 responses)
    ..12345..010202 (3.8%)1 (1.9%)15 (28.3%)14 (26.4%)21 (39.6%)
    Index Count
    1 2
    2 1
    3 15
    4 14
    5 21
    No responses yet for this question.
    What would you change in future projects to make them more interesting? (25 responses)
    nothing, i'm not sure.
    nothing, everything was perfect.
    I have no idea.
    I think this is interesting already.
    I don't no.
    I would like to make app.
    They should be a little bit more complicated
    I would change nothing.
    I don't know
    I don't know , it was very interesting.
    i want more group sessions and story about your country
    More photos shoot
    Even more tasks
    I like to ol
    I liked all
    more tasks
    Put in more improve.
    I like all.
    Don't know
    I don`t know.
    I don´t know.
    More lessons used in these projects