The project will be the first step for a future Erasmus KA2 and part of it. Students will study the emblematic figure of the genius Leonardo da Vinci in all aspects of his varied activity: science and art. They will also investigate how Leonardo has been studied and embodied in different literary, musical, and cinematographic representations. Students will act as scientists, artists, writers, virtual travelers between mobilities and real ones during the mobilities. El proyecto será el primer paso para un futuro Erasmus KA2 y parte del mismo. Los alumnos estudiarán la figura emblemática del genio Leonardo da Vinci en todos los aspectos de su variada actividad. Asimismo investigarán cómo su figura ha sido estudiada y plasmada en diferentes representaciones literarias, musicales, cinematográficas.Los alumnos harán de científicos, artistas, escritores, viajeros virtuales.

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