The Project

  • AR Project

    What for?

    Therefore, my friends, we must bring technological development into our classrooms, to work together on this project

    Augmented Reality (AR for short).

    Yes definitely. We must go with progress. Augmented reality interests young people. My students are fascinated :).

    Ayfer KILIÇ /Özel Türmak Premary School

    Augmented reality concerns students. My students will be fascinated

    Şengül DALGIÇ Sincan Lale Anaokulu

    My students watched with interest


    We are in a community that the children born into a technology.They are much more accostumed to technology than us. So why don't we use AR in our lessons? It is fun for them,a way of learning !!!!!

    Türkan ERİŞKİN/ Çağlayan İlkokulu Manavgat

    With augmented reality, students are more interested in lessons. Learns net. The student cannot see the abstract, but they take it, they learn in 3D.

    Duygu ÜN- Bahçelievler İTO Art and Science Center

    My students are fascinated :).

    Adriano Correia de Oliveira , Portugal

    Creating a new world using Metaverse - students got really interested they they realised they were going to work on this project.

    Cornelia Dinescu, Luizi-Călugăra School, Bacău, Romania

    That's true! Augumented reality is fascinating for all my students, be they very young or older. Bringing AR into my English classes is definitely a plus!


    Yes, definitely. therefore, augmented reality makes learning easier.

    Türkan Erişkin Çağlayan İlkokulu Manavgat Antalya

    This project is very interesting. My students liked it. Learn is easy with AR

    Hülya Yücel/Elazığ, TÜRKİYE

    21st century teachers should always try to go forward, be a researcher they have developed themselves and always have a project-based plan


    Visual representation is very important to use in the lessons.Because it makes teaching and learning situations more enjoyable, interesting and creative. In a short time, you can do a lot of work by using them. At the same time pupils do a lot of output and performance that you can observe.

    Marinela Boras, TRGOS, Croatia

    It's good that we used visually stimulating media for education. The students are more attentive in class and they find augmented reality very interesting.