Activity 10: Students' online chat for assesment

  • Dear partners,

     Students should chat online and assess the project and their own improvement.To be able to do that (as we are not physically at schools because of Covid-19 pandemic ) we have to decide a date for chatting and we will be here for them to mentoring. Here is a Forum link that is for deciding the date.Please share your ideas and Let's decide it together.


  • Teachers' assesment on Online Chat

    İlayda Esen-Emine Ahmet Büküşoğlu Secondary School

    It was a great experience and interaction for them.They were approximately 50 stds in total.They will talk about their experience on the homepage.The chat last approximately 1 hour,which is a great success because as we are not at schools gathering all the students online can be difficult .But they did great job.
    They talked about their experinces in the project,
    their favourite activities ,
    and possible topics for the projects in future
    In general,I can say that They all like eTwinning activities and want to be a part of new projects.So we can say that one of the goals is completed.Now,They all know what eTwinning is and how enjoyable it is.For them ,Foreign language isn't smt to be afraid of now,but it is a tool for communication and this is one of the goals of eTwinning.

    İlayda Esen
    Burcu YALDIZ DURMUŞ / Gazi Secondary School

    My students have been really excited for participating a chat with teachers and students from all over the world. This project is a great chance for my students to speak English and have communication with others. The chat lasted nearly one hour with more than 50 participants, which is a good number for us. They expressed that they wanted to be in another project next year and they even also suggested new ideas for the next projects. They said that they felt sorry because our project came to an end but it is a great opportunity for all of us. They are happy to be involved in an eTwinning project.
    I am so glad to work with such amazing partners and enthusiastic students together.


    Students' chat

    Patrizia Loddo I.C. 2 Quartu Sant'Elena

    The meeting on line (about 50 partecipants for 1 h) was really interesting. My students started summer holidays and they were not really interested to partecipate to the event. I used Meet Gsuite platform to contact them and more students at the end were on the Online chat. They liked to chat with the other students.
    They were on line!!! Reading comments and writing replies. I was able to listen to their comments ( in the other platform).
    They chatted about the present project but they expressed ideas for a future project. It was very exciting how teenagers can become friends at distance with virtual projects. Etwinning offers an important opportunity to improve English and to share thoughts and opinions.
    I am very happy to have found motivated partners able to motivate and involve such a number of students. Thanks

    Cristina Moreira Carvalho, Escola Básica e Secundária de Arrifana

    Unforgettable for the students. They were anxious for this chatting. 13 from Arrifana school participated. Being online interacting was enriching. I’m proud of their motivation and involvement. They gained friends online and they wouldn't mind continuing chatting. It was a successful opportunity being in an eTwinning project and I noticed they loved the activities. Besides talking about their experience in this project they already think about another, suggesting attractive topics.
    Concerning the practice of the English language they recognized they learnt new vocabulary, becoming easier communicating.
    As a message my students want everybody to know:
    “We want to be eco-friendly, Help our Planet. Be with US. CHANGE always starts with US”
    I hope participants enjoyed this travel around the project and see it as an opportunity to make changes.
    Last but not least, my grateful words to this Team of partners, walking side by side, on behalf of the Environment.