OŠ Strahoninec

  • We are preparing for Safer Internet day. Students have embarked on a journey to become Wakelet ambassadors. Each week they will do another task an hopefully earn the final badge by middle March. We will keep you posted. Here is the link if you want to apply with your students, they have to be 13 years old: https://twitter.com/TxTechChick/status/1221124005538779137?s=19

    If not, you can try to use Wakelet and share the link with students to make a collection of safer internet tips by using Wakelet. Here is a tutorial I made for my students: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VaemQyFdirPKYT8g5Gg6cfGTxRKMLdEnz4STDU4eXAo/edit?usp=drivesdk


    TASK 1: All about me!

    Create your Wakelet account and then:

    1. Create a collection about yourself with at least 15 items included.
    2. Showcase talents, favourite things, and hobbies.   
    3. Share a place you would like to live or visit.   
    4. Share your collection with your lead educator and a peer.   

    Special Note: *Students MUST use photos made for reuse or their own photos* 

    Tasks made by: David, Roko, Jakov


    TASK 2: Critical Thinking: Perspective

    1. Share your collection with your lead educator and a peer. 
    2. Use 5 different and credible sources to illustrate both sides of the argument. (total of 10 sources) 
    3. Choose a topic such as climate change, social media use, teacher pay, cybersecurity, etc.  
    4. Create a collection that shows 2 sides of an argument. 

    Tasks made by: JakovRokoDavid