STEAM challenge

  • STEAM challenge for partners

    Mission for next week. For other partners, you should write the STEAM query and try to remove one or more difficulties with your students from this list.

    Teachers STEAM challenges
    Laura and Kristina You know the fairy tale "Three little pigs"? You should get 20 toothpicks and a piece of playdough and build a house for the pig. Your task is to build such a house from toothpicks and play dough, where the wolf will not fly.
    "Kurt" will be a hair dryer, he will try to blow up the house.
    Nahile and Seda Making dancing people; Foil, chenille is enough. People should be able to stand, how much? How can it stand?
    Justina and Lina STEAM struggle - how strong is spaghetti? You should get a pack of spaghetti, 2 sheets of styrofoam, books, wooden blocks.

    75.YEAR KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL/TURKEY(Teachers Seda and Nahile 

    Our daughters; they made dancing people.
    They made an effort to keep them alive.

    ŠIAULIAI KINDERGARTEN "PASAKA" (Teachers Laura and Kristina)

    Today, our girls tried the STEAM fight with spaghetti. It was incredible. We tried to guess, how many books these spaghetti can hold. So he could hold 4 books. Tested :)


    Kindergarten "Pasaka" Justina BagdonaitÄ—, Lina LesniauskienÄ— (Kindergarten "Pasaka", Teachers Lina and Justina)

    Today we find it difficult to build a house for three little pigs. Kurt did not blow up our homes.