

    The CEIP Vicente Gironés Mora is a state school located in Ontinyent in the Valencian Community. Ontinyent has a population of 35,000 inhabitants. The school is 40 years old and it’s located in the San José neighbourhood. The school has 360 students (121 for pre-primary and 239 for Primary). It has got 2 classrooms per level, except the 2 years level that has only one classroom. 

    In the language program, the 3 languages are worked in an integrated way: Valencian, Spanish and English; being Valencian the main language of learning. At the school, we are working with a process of linguistic immersion since we have a huge number of students who do not have Valencian as their mother tongue. 

    Our school is considered a claim for inclusive education, we have enrolled a large number of foreign students and some students with special educational needs. Some of the students highlight by their learning problems due, in large part, to the total or partial ignorance of the Valencian and even Spanish language and the lack of working routines at home. All these students are attended in their ordinary classrooms by their tutor, with the attention of an educator, a special education teacher, an audition and language teacher, the psychopedagogue attention and the reinforcements given by the teachers of the school.