
  • Portugal 24-29.10.2021

    Program_Mobility_Portugal (PDF).pdf


    The first meeting of partners in real life


  • Portugal

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    In the last week of October, we visited our partner school in Portugal.

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    A conference on bullying

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    Conference and workshops on the use of the eTwinning platform

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    Presentation of students' works on the cover of the book

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    We paint the Erasmus wall

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    Participation in the "Olha-me-te workshop "

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    A workshop on bullying

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    Mobility Summary and Certifications

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    We're visiting Porto

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland

    We're visiting Porto

    School Complex in Wąsosz, Poland
    IES Felipe de Borbón, Spain

    Conference about Bullying

    IES Felipe de Borbón, Spain

    Painting the wall

    IES Felipe de Borbón

    Creating new and strong ties

    IES Felipe de Borbón

    Learning about Bullying

    IES Felipe de Borbón

    "United multiculturalism"

    IES Feilpe de Borbón

    Practical activity: "Looking into the other's face"

    IES Feilipe de Borbón

    Who is who?