Stage 1 : first cards

  • What to do :

    - prepare one postcard for each partner school. Maybe it's easier to buy the first one as we will make the Christmas cards ourselves.

    - on the cards, the children write in English a few simple sentences ;  hello ,name of school, number of children in their group, age , where your town is. Then say goodbye. You can use your mother tongue to write "hello" and "goodbye".

    - by the end of October, beginning of November, send the postcards.

    - take photos while the children are making the cards and put them on the Twinspace !

    - make a collage, or PPT or presentation of the postcards you received , show it on the Twinspace.

    - then you can fill in the Padlet for the children -to make comments about the cards for example " I like the card from........because...." or just "thank you for the cards" ....or any other ideas you have.

    Stage 2 will be the preparation of Christmas cards.

    Thanks so much for your collaboration !