öğrencilerime twinspace tanıttım -I introduced twinspace to my students
Öğrencilerime Kendilerini tanıtmaları ve form kullanımı için online toplantı yaptım
We held an informative meeting with the students about the introduction and use of the project page. :)
Öğrencilerime twinspace'i tanıttım. Kendilerini nasıl tanıtacaklarını anlattım. Ön test hakkında bilgilendirme yaptım. I introduced twinspace to my students. I explained how they would introduce themselves. I informed about the pre-test.
Project Introduction for Students
Öğrencilerimle ilk toplantımızı yaparak projemiz hakkında bilgi verdim ve Twinspace kullanımını anlattım.
Our students were informed about technology and addiction and we evaluated ourselves.
Öğrencilerimle Bağımlılık ve siber zorbalıkla ilgili videolar izledik ve videolarla ilgili konuştuk
Our students were informed about, technology addiction.
.Öğrencilerimle çevrimiçi toplantı yaparak teknoloji bağımlılığı , siber zorbalık ve güvenli internet konularında onları bilgilendirdim.
I informed my students about technology addiction and secure internet.
I gave information about our project, make our first meeting with my students, and explained Twinspace.
I explained our project and twinspace page to my students
One member of the NGO "Proyecto Hombre" gave a lecture about addictions and other risks of social media to the students in the 3rd year of secondary education. This lecture was the inaugural event for our Project Based Learning project "Always Connected" in which our kids will work until March..
I introduced "Be a child in the digital world" e-twinning project and twinspace to my students.
I introduced the Pixton web.2 tool to my students. My students created their avatars.
We talked about technology addiction, game addiction and cyber bullying with my students.
We talked about safe internet use and played games with our students.
I informed my students about technology addiction and conscious use of technology.