Environment- OŠ dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj

  • Throughout the school year, we paid special attention to caring for our environment. All this knowledge and care for the environment enriches the emotional ties of children and young people to nature. It teaches them to respect otherness and to appreciate natural goods. It gives students and teachers the opportunity to apply the knowledge they gain in class in their daily lives at school and beyond. To derive the goals of environmental education, they chooses interesting methods of work and helps students to use the knowledge they have acquired in class to solve everyday life. Pupils and teachers took care of clean air and water by: separating waste, collecting waste oil, composting in the school garden, making bins for separating waste at school, making posters to inform other students about the importance of protecting our environment .

    Through the school year we learn about clean waters, global warming, causes and effects. We talked a lot with the students about the solutions for a better and healthy environment.