Our problems

  • Each country will present an environmental problem. Each country will choose the tool to present it.

    Once we have introduced all our problems, we will analize all of them in the different schools and we will give possible ideas to solve them or to minimize.

    Possible steps to guide the proccess:

    - Choose a nearby problem with your students

    - Present it in Twinspace using a tool: Powerpoint, Doc, Sway, Paddlet, Prezi, etc. (Be aware of the copyright of images)

    - Read, analize and discuss the different problems within your class

    - Answer these questions:

    • "What can society/politicians do to solve it?"
    • "What can we (students in a class) do to solve this problem?"
    • "What can I or my family do to solve tis problem?

    - Present your proposals using a tool: Doc, Paddlet...