● This project tries to promote two different aspects of learning: key competences (discovering the culture aspects of the participating countries) and inclusion (through collaboration, peer tutoring and activities built to improve the learning skills of students with learning difficulties.
● Through photography, the internet research and other tools our students have the opportunity to meet new friends away geographically.
● Students choose an area of interest that they would like to share with their peers from other countries: history, geographical features, , historical places and monuments, important persons of history, literature, art etc..
● Our students will explore some cultural aspects of their country and present them to the partners. Through the TwinSpace, and various ICT tools, students will get to know their mates’ country/hometown, share information and activities.
● Students will participate, through dialogue in class, and between classes of the participating countries, for example using the e-twinning live chat, with the support of the teachers.