Europe stands for freedom.
People in Europe are different but united.
Europe stands for freedom and Europe is beautiful.
Europe stands for freedom and respect.
We are a big family.
Europe stands for cultural differences. Europe is good.
Europe is wonderful and we want freedom.
We respect each other.
Europe. We are happy here.
Europe stands for respect.
We share the same culture. Europe.
We want freedom. We have better things to do than fight.
We show respect for each other. Europe.
Europe-A big family!
Europe for me is...Democracy!
Europe for me is...having freedom in expressing our opinion!
Europe for me is human rights! Yes to Democracy! No to Dictatorship!
Europe for me opportunities!
Europe for me is...human rights!
Europe for me is...No torture!
Europe for me is...Freedom!
We must live together...
No plastic anymore