Task for the Spanish: List of facts about the English crusades to North America.

  • List of facts about the English crusades to North America. SPAIN


    El primer paso para iniciar el proyecto: En casa, tenéis que buscar información sobre la conquista inglesa de las Américas, etc. Escribe una lista de hechos o una cronología de eventos. A continuación aparecerá aquí un resumen de toda la información.

    The first step in the starting of the project: for homework, find information about the English crusades to North America. Write a list of facts or a timeline of events. Then, a summary of all the found information will appear here.

    2- Facts (with short explanations)
    3- Maps of the colonies
    4- The flags of the colonies before and after the independence of Great Britain
    5- links to the films: Pocahontas & The Last of the Mohicans