Autumn in Spain



    We have just started the project in Art. We only have one hour per week and we had to use other lessons to complete the activity.

    The topic for this first activity is related to Autumn/Fall.

    We have used TP rolls, cardboards (covers from used notebooks) and paints (temperas) Recycling is so cool! Also we have added a description in English to learn more and improve it.

    We are ready for the next activity!

    Do you want to see our works? here they are!


      Picking up leaves and cleaning them Cleaning leaves













    In the second activity, children have brought newspapers from home. We are going to make animals shapes using a collage technique.



    After some lessons, we have the results!





              We have written short descriptions about our animals:                                                         



    The teacher have decided to work the Etwinning with young kids (5years old)

    As they are working on an Egyptian project, we have made Pyramids !


    We have seen your works and they are so cool! ;)

    More info about us in my blog!