Answers for the table-game from Lithuanian team

  • 1. In Italy are 20 regions.

    3. The largest lake in Italy is lake Garda.

    6. The two independent states in Italy are Vatican and San  Marino.

    4. In Italy longest river is Po river.

    9. The name of the town with ,, 99 fountains ‘‘ is L‘Aquila.

    2. There are 3 seas : Tyrhenian sea, Adriatic sea, Ioniau sea.

    5. Is called Apennine  Peninsula.

    7. The first president of Italy was Emico De Nicola.

    8. In Italy the World cup is for 4 times.

    10. Gubbio is of the Halian province of Perugia.

    11. Francesco Totti was born in Roma.

    12. In Haly are 103 provinces.

    13. The biggest region in Italy is Sicily.

    14. The famous leaning tower in Haly is tower of Pisa.

    15. ,, Ferrari ‘‘ invented the Enro Ferrari.

       We enjoyed to play the puzzle game sent by our friends from Italy!