



    My Chinese portrait




    I am Alexandre  I'm 16 year old, I live in Antony near Paris


    If I were a place, I would be Madagascar


    If I were a season, I would be Summer


    If I were a singer, I would be Wiz Khalifa


    If I were a monument, I would be the Statue Liberty


    If I were a film, I would be Rampage


    If I were an object, I would be a Camera (because I remember everything)


    If I were a fictional character, I would be Brendan Fletcher


    If I were a sport, I would be e-Sport


    If I were a country, I would be Madagascar


    If I were a quality, I would be Kindness





    My chinese portrait.




    My name is Gelu,I am 16 years old,I live in Antony


    If I were a season,I would be Summer


    If I were a singer,I would be Mana


    If I were a monument,I would be the Arc of triomphe


    If I were an object,I would be a bed


    If I were a movie,I would be The art of getting by


    If I were a place,I would be the beach


    If I were a sport,I would be footboal


    If I were a fictional character,I would be Goku


    If I were a quality,I would be kindness


    If I were an animal,I would be a Koala


    Clue: I have blue eyes



    My chinese portrait


    my name is Matias,I am beautiful, I am 17 years old , I live in paris ,


    If I were a saison, I would be winter


    If I were a singer ,I would be Jul


    If I were a monument, I would be the Eiffel Tower


    If I were an objet , I would be an ipod


    If I were a movie , I would be « la haine »


    If I were a quality , I would be strength


    Clue : i have brown jacket




    My Chinese Portrait


    My name is Valentin. I am fifteen. I live in Bures near Paris.


    If I were a place, I would be Madagascar.


    If I were a season, I would be summer.


    If I were a monument, I would be the Eiffel Tower.


    If I were a film, I would be « I am Legend »


    If I were an object, , I would be a phone.


    If I were a sport, I would be climbing.


    If I were a country, I would be Madagascar.


    Clue : I have a white T-shirt



    My Chinese portait

    My name is Alassane .I live in Massy near Paris.I’m 16 years old

    If I were a season ,I would be fall

    If I were a singer ,I would be Kery James

    If I were a monument ,I would be the Arc of triomphe

    If I were an object,I would be a ball

    If I were a movie,I would be scary and funny

    If I were a fictional character,I would be «TINTIN » and « TITEUF »

    If I were a sport ,I would be football

    If I were a country,I would be Germany

    If I were a quality,I would be a prankster

    Chinese portrait

    Describe yourselves in metaphor. Guess who is who.

    An example by Jiří and Michal.

    If I were an anímal I would be a hamster.
    If I were a car I would be  Buggati
    If I were a girl I would be Nikola
    If I were a boy  I would be  David
    If I were a job I would be a carpenter