Let´s make a move! - Description of our project


    Welcome to our project on the Ocean Plastic Soup! 

    The idea for this project was born in Zandvoort aan Zee/Netherlands in March 2018, where we, a group of highly motivated teachers from Germany, France and the Netherlands met for a lecture. Yes- also teachers sometimes go somewhere in order to learn something new!

    In Zandvoort we were confronted with the problem of plastic in our oceans and you may understand that we were deeply shocked! Therefore, our intention is to raise awareness on the problem and together with our students we want to make a move!

    Our goal is to work in international groups on 6 different topics related to the plastic issue and to create posters for an exhibition that will be presented in our schools in March 2019.

    The participating schools are the

    • Astrum College, Velp, The Netherlands
    • Peter-Paul-Cahensly Schule, Limburg an der Lahn, Germany
    • Adam-Josef-Cüppers-Berufskolleg, Ratingen, Germany
    • Lycée professionnel Saint Félix  La Salle, Nantes, France